Intelligence Research Specialist Resume Sample

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Kathlyn Dickens
429 Vicenta Tunnel,  Houston,  TX
+1 (555) 382 2599

Work Experience

Intelligence Research Specialist
01/2017 - PRESENT
Phoenix, AZ
  • Knowledge and skill in the application of data collection procedure, analytical and evaluative techniques
  • Knowledge of the Intelligence cycle and how each portion of the cycle applies to the work being performed
  • Lead collection and research projects and ability to apply facts and estimates derived from numerous sources to a variety of problems having different technical aspects
  • Extrapolate and estimate existing intelligence data from intelligence databases such as LEXIS, NEXIS, Quanta, TECS II, ACS, Foreign Broadcasting data, etc
  • Work with, understand, motivate, and communicate with individuals and groups with being able to communicate with people, resolve conflict, and to discipline
  • Knowledge with developing intelligence or energy-related government programs and strategies nationwide or for specific geographic areas
  • Knowledge of the relationship between Federal, foreign, state and local agencies to share intelligence information
Supervisory Intelligence Research Specialist
07/2010 - 08/2016
Phoenix, AZ
  • Produce finished analytical products
  • Effectively evaluate the importance of international situations related to counter-terrorism efforts
  • Supervise, plan, organize, and direct the work of subordinate staff members
  • Knowledge and skill in analytical and evaluative techniques
  • Extrapolate and estimate existing data from databases such as LEXIS, NEXIS, Quanta, TECS II, ACS, Foreign Broadcasting data, Classified data, etc
  • Communicate effectively graphically; and in writing to produce or direct the production of intelligence products that are compelling, accurate and complete
  • Knowledge gathering multiple sourced intelligence, and analysis reports, as well as dissemination techniques that are required to participate in assessments of complex intelligence issues, and in specialty areas other than counterintelligence
  • Knowledge of homeland security intelligence mission and the role of both raw and finished intelligence reporting in the relationship between Customs & Border Protection, State/Local governments, and the intelligence community
  • Skilled using established systems, intelligence databases, and other sources of intelligence information
Intelligence Research Specialist, GS
04/2007 - 01/2010
Philadelphia, PA
  • Develop contacts with other CBP contract and government employees, as well as with other DHS, Federal, State, Local, territorial, tribal and select international and private-sector partners
  • Knowledge of a full range of concepts, principles, and practices in intelligence collection management practices
  • Effectively communicate internally and externally to the organization
  • Employ intelligence collection methods, problem solving techniques, and/or analysis to assist analysts in making assessments based on limited information regarding complex intelligence and/or enforcement issues
  • Skilled in implementing collection management programs in support of all-source intelligence analysis to produce program goals, objectives, and evaluate program outcomes
  • Knowledge of standard intelligence community collection management systems, tools, requirements, and processes
  • Employ analytic methods, problem solving techniques, and/or data analysis programs in order to draw conclusions or make assessments based on limited or incomplete information regarding complex intelligence and/or law enforcement issues


Thomas University
2002 - 2006
Master's Degree in Law Enforcement

Professional Skills

  • Extensive verbal/written communication skills to deliver information to operational law enforcement customers
  • Microsoft Office software skills, to include Word, Outlook, Excel and Power Point are also required
  • Collaborating with external stakeholders on joint intelligence priorities
  • Assigning work to subordinates based on priorities, selective consideration of the difficulty and requirements of assignments and the capabilities of employees
  • Experience assisting with preparing and delivering substantive briefings on sanctions-specific issues to senior officials
  • Experience drafting policy memorandum, briefing materials, and position papers for use by senior officials
  • Skill in program management activities such as development and tracking of overall program milestones, budget formulation, and monitoring workflows

How to write Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

Intelligence Research Specialist role is responsible for digital, research, training, software, analytical, finance, credit, integration, database, security.
To write great resume for intelligence research specialist job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Education
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

The section contact information is important in your intelligence research specialist resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Email
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your intelligence research specialist resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to.
This section, however, is not just a list of your previous intelligence research specialist responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular intelligence research specialist position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Intelligence Research Specialist resume experience can include:

  • Effectively presenting the organization's needs and establishing harmonious working relations with counterparts
  • Effectively communicate in writing, composing comprehensive reports; detailed briefings; and technical material
  • Effectively communicate orally to disseminate information and intelligence to a wide range of parties both within and outside of the organization
  • Effectively communicate to disseminate information and intelligence to a wide range of parties both within and outside of the organization
  • Evaluating, testing and validating intelligence research reports
  • Providing evaluations, discussions, testing and validation of intelligence reports, plans, guides and/or manuals

Education on an Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your intelligence research specialist resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your intelligence research specialist experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

When listing skills on your intelligence research specialist resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical intelligence research specialist skills:

  • Skill in oral and written communication to effectively present findings for oral briefings and written reports
  • Adjust to changing work priorities and assignments
  • Expert knowledge of vulnerabilities and assessments tools and hands-on testing experience
  • Experience assisting with drafting policy memorandum, briefing materials, and position papers
  • Experience in support to Homeland Security, policy decisions; and nuclear energy and nuclear energy security
  • Experience in support of nonproliferation and national security intelligence

List of Typical Experience For an Intelligence Research Specialist Resume


Experience For Supervisory Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

  • Initiating contact with personnel overseas and experts in specialty fields to validate and ascertain reliability of information
  • Strong background in writing intelligence products and formalizing sound assessments within a short time constraint and with minimal oversight or assistance
  • Manage competing priorities; work on multiple projects within a team environment and independently to meet project deadlines
  • Serving as an expert and engaging in developing sources of information for intelligence collection for projecting data and/or estimates of future situations
  • Evaluating and interpreting incoming intelligence reports and information related to a specifically defined geographical or functional area
  • Participating in/leading inter-agency committees/making agreements/commitments in accordance with received instructions

Experience For Intelligence Research Specialist nd Shift Resume

  • Preparing reports, assessments, materials for publications, statistical summaries and other material concerning program operations
  • Applying and/or modifying established intelligence practices to specific problems which involve variables
  • Developing intelligence collection plans, including the most complex/difficult assignments
  • Collecting intelligence to support specific long range planning/programs/activities
  • Researching/analyzing information to develop and publish intelligence products
  • Providing authoritative guidance regarding intelligence matters
  • Providing interpretation of intelligence analysis and drafts critical interagency intelligence assessments

Experience For Intelligence Research Specialist, GS Resume

  • Providing forecasts of the level and types of activities that impact the law enforcement communities
  • Providing briefings to law enforcement and intelligence officials on techniques and procedures involved in research and analysis activities
  • Preparing intelligence reports/collection manuals/instructions to field collectors
  • Making agreements/commitments at meetings and conferences in accordance with previously received instructions
  • Operating intelligence and national security information systems
  • Supporting intelligence networks through research and analysis in areas such as National Security; AND

Experience For Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

  • Utilizing intelligence generated to produce and disseminate strategic, operational and tactical intelligence products for headquarters and field units
  • Knowledge of the principles of administration, management planning, controls, and resource utilization
  • Knowledge of training development
  • Knowledge of current counterterrorism threats and applicability to CBP's passenger targeting mission
  • Master laws and regulations applicable to the intelligence discipline and law enforcement operations
  • Produce finished analytical products that integrate CBP and intelligence community information

Experience For Supervisory Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

  • Knowledge of all-source intelligence compilation, analysis, production and dissemination
  • Assess and evaluate highly complex intelligence issues
  • Skilled in applying intelligence tactics, techniques and procedures required to produce complex analyses and products within a specifically defined geographical, functional or threat area of responsibility
  • Communicate clear and concise intelligence information; deliver written and/or verbal presentations to senior-level audiences for decision-making purposes; and report or present to operators to improve the effectiveness of operations
  • Skill in maintaining relationships with CBP and DHS IE components, IC partners and other law enforcement agencies in order to enable beneficial information sharing, coordinated operations and operational de-confliction
  • Obtain a comprehensive knowledge of the division’s intelligence program, investigative policies, and the functions and operations of other intelligence organizations within the agency
  • Knowledge of the intelligence cycle, the ability to apply inductive and deductive reasoning, the ability to meet with and deal effectively with people, and the ability to analyze and evaluate raw data in order to produce finished intelligence reports

Experience For Intelligence Research Specialist nd Shift Resume

  • Possess outstanding briefing skills for daily correspondence with executive management
  • Plan and develop Branch programs and projects while ensuring efficiency and economy of intelligence operations; directs the development of appropriate measurement techniques and methodologies
  • Provide technical expertise on intelligence related issues, combined with knowledge of planning and analysis to formulate concepts, direct studies, identify problems, initiate solutions, approve procedures and evaluate results
  • Prepare in-depth studies and policy recommendations on various topics requiring a detailed knowledge of intelligence information and initiates modifications as required
  • Develop and maintain liaisons with managers, supervisors, other enforcement agencies within outside of the Department; initiate and conduct interactive exchanges with members of the intelligence community and outside contractors
  • Represent the Bureau in interagency meetings, conferences and committees on SPB issues and program initiatives. Develops overall program and/or project objectives, goals, resource requirements, and milestones for all intelligence aspects of SPB programs
  • Planning and directing intelligence collection, cataloging, and relative program activities for the division with major geographical scope and world-wide impact; Establishes priorities and assigns resources for the intelligence program

Experience For Intelligence Research Specialist, GS Resume

  • Under the direction of the Field Intelligence Manager, actively provides analysis and evaluation of intelligence studies; Prepares comprehensive reports and assessments using various tools and methodologies to draw conclusions
  • Provides program direction for formulating and implementing a worldwide program, both domestic and international, for the collection, analysis, production, and dissemination of both operational and strategic intelligence
  • Formulates the objectives of a major segment of the intelligence program. Provides direction, advice and coordination relative to critical intelligence projects. Develops productive working relationships and promotes coordination with high-level representatives of U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies
  • Plans and oversees the operations of an intelligence program. Develops plans for the collection, evaluation, processing, and dissemination of operational, tactical, and strategic drug intelligence
  • Performs supervisory functions over staff, establishing guidelines and expectations for performance, and ensures performance improvement
  • Responsible for the dissemination of strategic and operational intelligence to other DEA entities
  • Supervise the systematic review, exploitation, in-depth analysis and coordination of national, international, regional and local information and intelligence, law enforcement developments and trends
  • Supervise synthesizing information and raw intelligence reporting, ensuring application of sound analytic tradecraft, to produce strategic-level finished intelligence products

Experience For Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

  • Establish guidelines and performance expectations for staff members, evaluate workers' performance, recommend performance awards, use progressive performance management tools and administer disciplinary actions as necessary, and resolve informal complaints and grievances
  • Monitoring incoming intelligence and national security information and notifying or distributing that information to Treasury senior leadership
  • Conducting research and analysis operational issues and distributing information from intelligence, operations, and open sources
  • Analyze and develop training policies, procedures and guidelines applicable to specialized segments of the intelligence program
  • Develop policies, procedures and material for the training of collection, control and dissemination of intelligence information
  • Serves as the senior intelligence officer in cyber analysis. The senior intelligence officer leads for the division director all cyber intelligence analysis and production functions within the division. Oversees sophisticated all-source finished cyber intelligence analysis focused on the Homeland,
  • Provides assistance and/or performs work to facilitate actions for major segments of complex intelligence, investigative and analytical activities for a broad geographical area

Experience For Supervisory Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

  • Gathers sensitive evidence and intelligence information that aids and enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of the United States Capitol Police (USCP) protective security programs and services
  • Providing current intelligence information to OIA and TFI leadership via notification reports, situation reports, and preparation of read books and NSC books
  • Plans, collects, and analyzes open source information from the internet, while staying attentive to new social media sources and trends
  • Manages the collection of publicly available information in a given geographic region or a specific subject area to meet mission needs using Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) including mass media, the internet specialized journals, studies, conference proceedings, geospatial information and more
  • Provides support and assistance and/or evaluates and interprets incoming intelligence reports and other information vital to the success of the USCP protective and security programs

Experience For Intelligence Research Specialist nd Shift Resume

  • Develops and maintains specialized databases, files, and records according to assignment
  • Develop reports in writing that contain technical and quantifiable information
  • Brief TFI senior officials and, as authorized, Treasury Department principals on current intelligence issues and late breaking developments
  • Provides administrative support and/or performs comprehensive reviews, evaluations and manages complex intelligence information databases
  • Provides assistance and/or prepares special security reports and documents on a routine, continual basis
  • Analyze intelligence information to update senior leadership
  • Meet with multiple stakeholders to collaborate on intelligence processes

List of Typical Skills For an Intelligence Research Specialist Resume


Skills For Supervisory Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

  • Gathering information and evidence from knowledge of interrogation and debriefing techniques
  • Evaluating effectiveness & adequacy of the agency's intelligence operation
  • Gathering information and evidence fromknowledge of interrogation and debriefing techniques
  • Experience in planning, directing, and evaluating foreign nuclear vulnerability
  • Experience promoting awareness of security issues among management and ensuring sound security principles are reflected in organization vision and goals
  • Demonstrated knowledge of issues pertaining to nuclear forensics and nuclear material characteristics
  • Skill in using intelligence tools and database to prepare a wide range of reports, presentations, and briefings

Skills For Intelligence Research Specialist nd Shift Resume

  • Experience conducting and participating in on-site evaluations and audits for compliance with policy
  • Assessing, reporting, and presenting significant intelligence studies, analysis, and evaluations having a serious impact upon the intelligence community
  • Analyzing and interpreting a wide variety of information to present conflicting information and opposing points of view in clear, cohesive written form
  • Analyzing, evaluating, and integrating data from multiple sources to assess its relevance
  • Planning and conducting intelligence operations requiring broad & in-depth analysis, correlation, & evaluation
  • Presenting executive briefings regarding cyber security and counterintelligence threats facing the organization
  • Planning and conducting intelligence operations requiring broad and in-depth analysis, correlation and evaluation
  • Evaluating a wide range of ICE and/or DHS program areas using intelligence gathering and investigative techniques
  • Planning, organizing, and performing research and analysis of complex major issues within the assigned specialty area

Skills For Intelligence Research Specialist, GS Resume

  • Presenting the organization's needs and establishing harmonious working relations with counterparts
  • Coordinating, developing and implementing intelligence and law enforcement programs
  • Identifying the informational needs of law enforcement organizations by developing and disseminating relevant information
  • Determining and ensuring the appropriate dissemination of information through special intelligence reports
  • Evaluating incoming reports/information
  • Leading and providing technical guidance on collection management projects and programs
  • Directing the intelligence collection efforts involving high echelon traffickers, major national violators, and complex conspiracy operations

Skills For Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

  • Projecting and revising long-range estimates in assigned field
  • Providing interpretation of intelligence analysis and drafting critical interagency intelligence assessments related to national security concerns
  • Serving as an expert in immigration-related intelligence information and evaluating new concepts in the intelligence field
  • Assisting in identifying key technical or policy issues to produce recommendations of alternatives for strategic intelligence programs and operations
  • Analyzing and evaluating raw data to produce finished reports
  • Maintaining contacts and performing liaison functions with other organizations
  • Developing office wide policies and standard operating procedures related to intelligence operations
  • Performing long - range planning for the data dissemination program

Skills For Supervisory Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

  • Providing guidance or other support for developing a variety of intelligence reports
  • Implementing changes to architecture and policy covering the full scope of intelligence collection; and
  • Receiving and analyzing highly specialized, particularly sensitive intelligence information from multiple sources
  • Analyzing and evaluating raw data in the geographical or functional area of expertise to produce finished intelligence reports under general supervision
  • Evaluating incoming intelligence reports/information
  • Collecting and analyzing intelligence data on targeted individuals and organizations
  • Developing and fostering relationships between various intelligence and law enforcement across various levels of government, state, local, and private industry
  • Planning and leading liaison operations for critical agency-wide intelligence programs
  • Analyzing foreign and domestic intelligence information gathered from the Department of Homeland Security

Skills For Intelligence Research Specialist nd Shift Resume

  • Providing on-site intelligence input to field officers involved in major criminal investigations
  • Determining the significance of developments in a broad field of research or operations for a major geographical area
  • Developing collection and analysis of operational intelligence in support of strategic level analysis and production related to transnational crime issues
  • Analyzing foreign and domestic intelligence information
  • Providing policy expertise within the intelligence community
  • Identifying immigration benefit fraud trends and patterns through complex analysis of large volumes of data
  • Performing established intelligence collection methods to immigration-related information requests
  • Preparing intelligence related reports
  • Participating in interagency committees, conferences and briefings

Skills For Intelligence Research Specialist, GS Resume

  • Preparing criminal intelligence reports, collections manuals, and field instructions
  • Collaborating with other intelligence organizations
  • Monitoring infrastructure protection activities to determine potential risks
  • Analyzing infrastructure intelligence data from various sources
  • Recognizing the significance of patterns in data and make projections of potential manmade or natural threats/risks to the nation's critical infrastructure
  • Writing intelligence reports of findings to management
  • Processing/evaluating volumes of intelligence information from a variety of sources and identifying/recommending solutions to analytical problems

Skills For Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

  • Processing and evaluating intelligence information and identifying and recommending solutions to a wide range of analytical problems
  • Disseminating intelligence products using prescribed methods
  • Providing assistance in the collection of intelligence information to identify trends/patterns/profiles/estimates/studies
  • Reviewing data, research and analysis to develop and produce intelligence products
  • Performing research, analysis and evaluation of raw criminal intelligence information
  • Analyzing intelligence data from a variety of sources to develop trends, patterns, profiles, estimates, and studies
  • Providing short-term and long-term planning and evaluation of the actual and potential threats to homeland security; and
  • Participating in or leading inter-agency committees, making agreements or commitments in accordance with received instructions

Skills For Supervisory Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

  • Developing instructions, guides, or manuals describing aspects and methods of intelligence collection and dissemination
  • Analyzing and evaluating intelligence data in order to produce intelligence reports
  • Evaluating and interpreting findings
  • Developing computer network defense strategies
  • Giving guidance to other specialists
  • Integrating security programs across disciplines; and or
  • Evaluating intelligence information gathered from various sources such as foreign equipment, photography, or databases

Skills For Intelligence Research Specialist nd Shift Resume

  • Applying established intelligence practices to specific problems
  • Conducting studies and preparing staff reports
  • Developing and recommending methods to solve analytical problems
  • Developing intelligence collection plans which support specific programs and activities
  • Engaging in research and analysis to develop and publish intelligence products
  • Providing technical and administrative leadership or supervision to employees'
  • Serving as an intelligence subject matter expert
  • Developing partnerships and liaisons with federal, state, local and tribal counterparts to advance the ICE mission
  • Participating in the development of research programs

List of Typical Responsibilities For an Intelligence Research Specialist Resume


Responsibilities For Supervisory Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

  • Evaluating the effectiveness and adequacy of the agency's intelligence operation
  • Experience preparing reports on national security, economics or sanctions-related topics; AND
  • Experience preparing intelligence or other analytical assessments
  • Consolidate, analyze, and evaluate incoming intelligence reports and information
  • Performing basic data gathering, evaluating, and analyzing, and contributing to finished products and reports under the guidance of a supervisor
  • Selecting the proper methods of dissemination for intelligence products; researching/analyzing information to develop and publish intelligence products
  • Evaluating incoming reports/information; and
  • Utilizing intelligence generated to produce and disseminate strategic, operational, and tactical intelligence products for headquarters and field units

Responsibilities For Intelligence Research Specialist nd Shift Resume

  • Preparing intelligence reports, collection manuals, and/or instructions to field collectors in their assigned area of responsibility
  • Advising on potential information sources within and outside the intelligence community
  • Serving as a policy expert within the intelligence community; and
  • Representing the agency at inter-agency conferences
  • Developing a partnership/liaison with other local intelligence managers
  • Providing forecasts of the level and types of activities that impact the law enforcement communities; and
  • Preparing intelligence reports/collection manuals/ instructions for field collectors
  • Representing the United States Attorneys' Office in dealings with outside intelligence organizations and law enforcement agencies
  • Analyzing, coordinating, monitoring, and disseminating intelligence, law enforcement developments, and trends

Responsibilities For Intelligence Research Specialist, GS Resume

  • Providing intelligence analysis for major functional or geographic areas
  • Analyzing foreign and domestic intelligence information gathered from the Department of Homeland Security and other U.S. inter-agency partners
  • Planning and developing national and special intelligence programs, make recommendations for the introduction of new programs and policies
  • Designing analytical products detailing intelligence analyses and findings
  • Conducting research on financial crimes, such as cyber-enabled financial crimes; AND
  • Providing professional guidance and technical assistance in the analysis of terrorism-related information
  • Plan, develop, organize, and conduct special research studies providing comprehensive assessments of broad, exceptionally complex, or highly sensitive issues
  • Lead the collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence information from multiple sources

Responsibilities For Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

  • Write extensive evaluative and informational reports containing technical and confidential information
  • Create written reports from data analysis
  • Assisting in collecting, processing, producing, or disseminating of intelligence products such as intelligence assessments, briefing books, and situation reports
  • Providing systematic review, exploitation, in-depth analysis, coordination, monitoring and dissemination of national, international intelligence, law enforcement developments and trends
  • Reviewing and/or evaluating intelligence information from a variety of sources using creative methodologies to develop trends/patterns/profiles/estimates/studies, to solve unusual problems
  • Selecting the proper methods of dissemination for intelligence products
  • Developing policies and procedures for the collection, control and dissemination of intelligence information

Responsibilities For Supervisory Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

  • Providing immigration intelligence for major functional or geographic areas
  • Selective Service registration required
  • Pre-employment physical req: No
  • Evaluate and interpret incoming intelligence reports and information to provide comprehensive support to locate, acquire, review, select, and organize intelligence materials for use in briefings, reports, memos, and other analytical products
  • Conduct detailed review and analysis of intelligence reports and requests for investigation from outside agencies and subsequently makes recommendations on actions to be taken based on an in-depth review
  • Develop methods of evaluating the validity, accuracy, and reliability of a broad array and high volume of information, for translation into intelligence relevant to the organization
  • Independently draft basic intelligence reports or sections of more complex interagency intelligence assessments
  • Utilizing a variety of established intelligence techniques to analyze data from a variety of sources to develop trends, patterns, profiles, estimates, studies, and tactical interdiction information
  • Providing briefings to management, law enforcement, and intelligence officials on techniques and procedures involved in research and analysis activities and participate in joint efforts

Responsibilities For Intelligence Research Specialist nd Shift Resume

  • Analyzing intelligence data from a variety of sources to develop trends/patterns/profiles/estimates/studies
  • Performing liaison functions with other organizations including effectively presenting the organization's needs and establishing harmonious working relations with counterparts
  • Evaluate intelligence products or programs to determine if they meet customer requirements
  • Maintain collaborative relationships with stakeholders in the law enforcement and intelligence communities by coordinating information sharing or delivering presentations; and
  • Develop guides, plans, or procedures to resolve new or emerging investigative problems
  • Enforces the mission of DHS and ICE as well as DHS Intelligence Directives and ICE Operating Instructions
  • Uses extensive knowledge in intelligence techniques and methods, administrative and/or criminal investigative techniques and a broad understanding of different people and areas in estimating and forecasting future situations

Responsibilities For Intelligence Research Specialist, GS Resume

  • Cooperates and assists the EEO Counselor in resolving informal complaints of discrimination
  • Prepares and provides various and on-going activity reports, information and/or data in support of OPR internal investigations
  • Serves as the primary liaison and contact between the Bureau and the Intelligence community
  • Provides policy input for the Office of Intelligence and leads major intelligence projects
  • Responsible for the production of immigration intelligence for major functional or geographic areas
  • Disseminate intelligence product that supports the mission of the office
  • Or less - Travel 25% or less
  • Serving as senior level Intelligence Research Specialist and utilizes intelligence generated information to assist in producing and disseminating strategic, operational and tactical intelligence products
  • Providing guidance to headquarters, program managers, and regional intelligence officers to locate and organize intelligence materials for use in briefing, reports, and other analytical reports

Responsibilities For Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

  • Preparing analyses that identify, interpret, and explain pertinent issues and developments to the formulation and execution of actions or policy
  • Serving as an organizational representative on committees and work groups that address issues of critical interest to the intelligence research and analysis program
  • Coordinating law enforcement-focused intelligence collection and operational planning activities and ensure that information is appropriately reported via established ICE procedures
  • Conduct special research studies providing comprehensive assessments of broad, exceptionally complex, or highly sensitive issues within the assigned area
  • Present findings, and make recommendations by drawing upon information sources within and outside of your organization
  • Provide expert advice and direction on major (highly complex/sensitive) intelligence issues and policies

Responsibilities For Supervisory Intelligence Research Specialist Resume

  • Analyze the significance and policy implications of issues in the assigned area
  • Prepare analyses that identify, interpret, and explain pertinent issues and developments to the formulation and execution of actions or policy
  • Reviewing and or evaluating intelligence information from a variety of sources using creative methodologies to develop trends/patterns/profiles/estimates/studies to solve unusual problems
  • Providing the systematic review, exploitation, in depth analysis, coordination, monitoring and dissemination of national, international intelligence, law enforcement developments and trends
  • Utilizing a wide variety of researched intelligence sources generated to produce and disseminate strategic, operational and tactical intelligence products for headquarters and field units
  • Preparing reports, assessments, materials for publications, statistical summaries and other material concerning programs operations

Responsibilities For Intelligence Research Specialist nd Shift Resume

  • Direct staff in conceptualizing, planning, drafting, editing, and presenting materials and deliverables associated with and in support of a wide variety of Intelligence Division and Bureau projects
  • Assess unforeseen developments, new phenomena, and difficulties encountered and recommends changes in direction and approach
  • Identify employee developmental needs and provides or arranges for training (formal and on-the-job) to maintain and improve job performance. Prepare documentation to support actions taken
  • Providing training or presentations to other government agencies or the private sector on Bank Secrecy Act data metrics or emerging trends and patterns; AND
  • Using analytics software to detect indications of new, emerging, or recurring trends in reported illicit financial activity; AND
  • Drafting and presenting strategic, statistical, or tactical analysis; AND
  • Defining analytic processes to support the creation of undiscovered analytic products and methods
  • Develop proactive analytics plans identifying objectives, setting strategies to conduct research and analysis responding to a variety of demands
  • Conceiving and crafting sophisticated, insightful analysis that identifies subtle or hidden patterns or trends across multiple issues or disciplines and their relevance to national security policy

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